1 101 x Part of the 'Epic of Gilgamesh' describes an expedition by Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu to Cedar Mountain where they defeated a demon. This was probably the Amanus mountains from which the Sumerians obtained wood for roof beams in their temples. The Euphrates provided transport for these great timbers.
# Amanus mountains
2 101 x Ziusudra, legendary survivor of the Deluge, was granted immortality and a permanent home in Dilmun (Bahrein), the earthly paradise, rich in date palms and other agricultural produce, fed by its springs of 'sweet water'. Dilmun also controlled rich pearl-fishing beds from which Gilgamesh gathered his 'Plant of Life', known more prosaically to later Sumerian traders as 'fish-eyes'.
# Dilmun
3 13 12 3
# CM Ur
4 19 12 2
#EW The Epik of Gilgamesh
5 101 x In one of the Gilgamesh stories, King Agga of Kish sheltered Gilgamesh in his youthful exile from Uruk. Gilgamesh fought for Kish in its wars against neighbouring states. However, when he became king of Uruk, he threw off Agga's overlordship and war ensued. Such fluctuating alliances and conflicts between states were typical of the period.
# Kish
6 102 C An impressive Oval Temple was raised at Khafajeh (ancient Tutub) in Early Dynastic times. A foundation of clean sand was laid in a huge pit and upon it was constructed a platform surrounded by a massive wall. Within this were priests' accommodation, workshops and storerooms and a higher platform, separately walled, housing the shrine.
# Khafajeh, Oval Temple
7 101 x Close links existed between the town of Mari and the Sumerian cities, especially Ur. The temple of Ishtar at Mari contained many statues depicting individuals, identified by their inscriptions. Among them was an official, a singer and a couple standing hand-in-hand.
# Mari, statue
8 101 x A minor town, possibly identifiable as Sumerian Eresh. Unlike most Mesopotamian towns, which were long lived, Abu Salabikh's uppermost levels are of the Early Dynastic period, giving an exceptional opportunity to study a town of this period in detail. In addition to public architecture, many private houses, large rubbish tips and numerous graves have been revealed here.